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Top 10 at 10: Monday

Ten things that made people smile today.

34202175_9137ec3e86_o Source: Flickr/cappellmeister

EVERY EVENING before 10pm, we bring you the best things that made people smile today – as covered on DailyEdge.ie and elsewhere. Stand by for the Top 10 at 10.

1. Pat Kenny returned to TV with a new chat show tonight, so we had to ask: how Pat Kenny are you? A tiny bit Pat Kenny, or more Pat than Pat himself? Take our quiz and find out.

2. A Donegal woman with Down Syndrome starred in her very own short film, and it’s going viral. Go Claire!

001-14 Source: Paul Doherty Photography

3. This dad caught a foul ball with one hand while his baby was strapped to his chest. MAJOR respect.

4. Everyone had a hearty chuckle at this 102-year-old woman blowing out the candles on her birthday cake. Wait for it.

5. The Rock’s tribute to his mam for US Mother’s Day yesterday got everyone all weepy. Read it over on his Instagram and call your mam, for god’s sake.

Source: therock/Instagram

6. The Guardian dealt a third-degree burn to Enda Kenny today. And he will never don an Oculus Rift AGAIN.

7. Not The RTÉ Guide nailed it again. Can this programme be real, please?

8. This cat prefers to stand on his two hind legs. Naturally, he’s the internet’s new favourite feline.

Source: george2legs/Instagram

9. Dazed and Confused compared Kim Kardashian’s selfies to classic paintings, and they’re strangely spot on. See the full series here.

1119655 Source: Dazed & Confused

10. The man whose lonely holiday went viral got the chance to do it all over again – this time with his wife and baby. The pictures are too cute for words.

viral8 Source: Imgur

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