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Here are Ireland's top 10 biscuits, in order of popularity

According to sales info from a major supermarket.

WHAT IS IRELAND’S favourite biscuit, you ask?

Well, biscuit sales figures have just been released by Tesco – laying Ireland’s what-to-have-with-a-cup-of-tea habits bare for all to see.

In reverse order, Ireland’s biggest-selling biscuits are…

10. Custard creams

Source: MmMmMmMatt

Your grandmother’s favourite. A staple of the disappointing biscuit selection. Munster was the only place where Custard Creams didn’t make the top ten – and for this, frankly, Munster deserves recognition.

9. Digestives (own brand)

Source: Shutterstock

Reliable, safe, not unexciting. Good choice Ireland.

8. Ginger Nuts

Source: Shutterstock

Bit of adventure in at number eight with the spicy Ginger Nut. Interestingly, the play-it-safe Dubliners were the only region that didn’t have Ginger Nuts in the top 10.

7. Kit Kat

Source: علي - ali

(A controversial choice as a biscuit, admittedly. We’d have had it down as more of a bar. But hey.)

6. Bourbon Creams

Source: nuttynat84

Classic fakeout biscuit. They look like chocolate, but they don’t taste like chocolate.

5. Rich Tea

Source: jkblacker

The continuing popularity of Rich Teas is inexplicable, except for the purpose of chocolate biscuit cake.

4. Digestive (McVities)

Source: kirinqueen

Are these really much better than the own-brand versions? Really? Whatever, Ireland.

3. Oreo

Source: mihoda

Fancy American imports. Notions.

2. Chocolate chip cookies

Source: jayneandd

A familiar classic.

1. Chocolate digestives

Source: The Travelling Bum

A fair choice for number one. Unbeatable when dunked in a cup of tea.

What’s your favourite biscuit? What can account for the continued popularity of Bourbons, in the face of their lying ways? Let us know in the comments – or alternatively, read our own definitive ranking here.

More: Irish biscuits – A definitive ranking from worst to best>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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