EVERY EVENING before 10pm, we bring you the best things that made people smile today – as covered on DailyEdge.ie and elsewhere. Stand by for the Top 10 at 10.
1. We collected 14 of the most unfortunate menu translation fails, including the delectable Baked Backwash.
2. The entire country applauded after a Cork woman absolutely filleted her crap date on First Dates. Laura Barry for President.
3. The Mayo News tragically missed a golden headline opportunity. Moment of silence please.
4. Notions level: Dublin 2015
5. Twitter imagined what would happen if books had clickbait titles and the results will restore your faith in humanity. (Sorry, couldn’t resist.)
6. Have you seen this sign? You may never look at a bathroom door the same way again.
7. As the world awaits the second royal baby, this important Vine has emerged.
DEFINITELY what life is like through the queen’s eyes.
8. A fisherman’s box made its way from Duncannon, Co. Wexford washed up in Norway and proved, once again, what a small world it truly is.
9. It’s the anniversary of the #tbt hashtag, so we looked back at celebrities’ embarrassing old photos. Taylor Swift, though.
10. And finally, let’s all just imagine we are this young cow. AW YISSSS.