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9 DailyEdge headlines that got you going in 2016

What a year.


WE’VE ENJOYED HAVING you around this year, and we hope you feel the same.

So, we’ve dug out some of your favourite DailyEdge stories from the past twelve months.

Here’s what took your fancy…



Read: 60,000 times

The O’Donovan brothers charmed the pants off the country in August with their Olympics success, their sense of divilment and their West Cork pride. YouTube just couldn’t cope with those accents though.



cousins Source: blogspot

Read: 60,000 times

Many of you identified with having a hape of relatives. So many tales from the kids’ table.


biden Source: Press Assocation images

Read: 82,000 times

We all needed a little bit of light relief in the aftermath of the US election, and Obama and Biden provided it.

jope Source: @hansmollman



Read: 84,000 times

Plenty of you identified with the struggle of a Nordie lilt. What about ye?



Read: 121,000 times

2016: The year Dunnes boarded the notions-copter and took off into the stratosphere.





Read: 160,000 times

Back in November the news came that a Chocolate Orange McFlurry was on the way for Christmas, and man alive were people excited about it.


french Source: Michael Spingler

Read: 187,000 times

Author Olivier Sauton was so taken with the Irish fans in France during the Euros that he penned a Facebook post in tribute to them before the two teams faced off.  Sixty-five thousand people shared his post. And almost two hundred thousand read about it on DailyEdge.

Sunday your country will face mine in the knockout stages of Euro 2016. Well you know what? If my country wins or yours, I’ll be happy. And I will celebrate. As If my blood is French, my heart, thanks to you and your comrades, is increasingly Irish.



Read: 189,000 times

Mel spent a few months in Ireland this year filming The Professor and The Madman with Sean Penn and Natalie Dormer. He spent his spare time up The Sugar Loaf, out in Skerries and watching Ireland beat Australia.


facebook Source: geograph

Read: 381,000 times

Memories of the green, Tip the Can and that rollerblades craze made this your top DailyEdge story in 2016.

More: 16 memories anyone who grew up Catholic will recognise>

Read: A Definitive List Of The 10 Sexiest Irish Women’s Names>

About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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