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Top 10 at 10: Thursday

Ten things that made people smile today.

DSC00625 Source: Cappellmeister

EVERY EVENING before 10pm, we bring you the best things that made people smile today – as covered on DailyEdge.ie and elsewhere. Stand by for the Top 10 at 10.

1. The general election is pretty much all anyone can talk about this evening. The UK hit the polls today, while we simply sat down and collected the most bizarre incidents from the campaign trail we could find. Ah, democracy.

2. This was the day that Cadbury’s turned all of our stomachs by introducing a Vegemite chocolate bar. Is nothing sacred?

3. It was National Poetry Day! Can you tell the famous poem by their first line? Go on, take the quiz.

4. This hilariously stupid video of a model ‘pumping up the jam’ is going viral, again. It never gets old, in fairness.

Source: Shenita Conners/YouTube

5. The Mindy Project was cancelled :( But never fear, we rounded up 11 things we could all learn from the show. #NeverForget

6. A cancer survivor’s excellent range of honest empathy cards are being shared all over social media, and we can see why.

7. This unfortunate typo from O2 gave us a great laugh this evening. Ah lads, it happens to the best of us #titsimportance


8. Are you best mates with a member of the opposite sex? You’ll understand these 11 problems.

9. We were intrigued by this red envelope left for a barman in Dublin’s Grafton Lounge. Here’s what it said inside.

10. What do people act like when they get an Apple watch? People enjoyed hypothesising with this Vine.

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