Dublin: 11 °C Friday 7 March, 2025

9 things every tourist coming to Ireland should know

We’re here to help.

AS FÁILTE IRELAND revealed in a gorgeous montage video this week, we have a population of about 5 million, but last year received 8 million visitors.

That means, technically (kinda), that the tourists outnumber us. So isn’t it time we stopped rolling our eyes and started giving them some helpful advice? Yes. It is.

1. We’re not all related, y’know

So, no, we don’t know Pat Murphy from Ennis. We’re a different Murphy. One of several thousand, as it happens.

Source: Irish Central

2. Touristy shops are not the place to buy everything

If you really need to buy those “Luck of the Irish” fridge magnets and hoodies, then by all means, go ahead. Everyone gets some touristy trinkets when they go away. But, for God’s sake, don’t get the full leprechaun outfit. Step away.

Source: infomatique

3. You might come up against some resistance describing yourself as “Irish”

OK, so you consider yourself Irish. Some Irish-born people will find this idea frustrating, and think you’re confusing heritage and ancestry. Ignore the haters. Many of us are just pleased you think we’re great enough to lay claim on.

goinggreen Or just show them this to shut them up Source: census.gov

4. This is not an acceptable price for a pint – anywhere


Source: Imgur

5. If it’s prefaced with “traditional Irish” it probably isn’t

Traditional Irish hairdryer, traditional Irish salad tongs, traditional Irish ukulele. Know when to stop.

can No Source: traditionalirishgifts.com

6. Please don’t wear those massive Sea World ponchos

Tourists trundling around in the sartorial equivalent of a black sack make us feel all self-conscious about how rainy we are. Plus, Irish weather isn’t really rain-poncho-worthy.

Is it?

Source: peupleloup

7. Say “thanks” when you get off the bus

It’s practically a by-law. Expect looks of unadulterated horror from the locals if you dismount an Irish bus without paying your respects to the lad who drove you.

Trust this guy. You don't want to get into a stand-off with a Dublin Bus driver Source: @samrussell88/Twitter

8. Don’t mention the St Patty’s/St Paddy’s Day war

Here’s a tip every tourist can use: Feck shortening it, and just say “St Patrick’s Day”. Then you won’t get pedants getting all het up correcting you.

Don’t mind them, anyway. If someone starts griping at you about saying “St Patty” just reply with a smooth “Lá le Pádraig”. That’ll soften their cough.

patt Even Dublin Airport is getting in on the act. Keep your head up, lads Source: Facebook/Dublin Airport

9. And, er, don’t listen to this

No, really. Please don’t.

Source: @aoiph/Twitter

Thank you, come again! Share your tips for our tourist pals in the comments. 

Read: These Walmart St Patrick’s Day t-shirts are causing absolute uproar>

Read: Here’s the ‘drunk leprechaun’ app that’s making Irish people furious>

About the author:

Fiona Hyde

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