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Someone made an amazing life-sized replica of Andy's room in Toy Story


SOMEBODY IS ATTEMPTING to bring Toy Story into the real world, and we couldn’t be happier.

A group of Disney superfans have built a life-sized exact replica of Andy’s room, and plan to eventually record a live-action version of Toy Story 3 within it.

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Just look at that detail.

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They write on tumblr that the room took two years to make, but it was “worth it”.

It’s actually kinda hard to tell them apart.

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tumblr_inline_nwqio7dKkj1toovv8_1280 Source: Disney Pixar

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The superfans have already recorded some scenes within the room, a snippet of which they’ve uploaded to whet your appetite.

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You can keep up with the progress on their Facebook page.

Source: Singing Pup-ductions/YouTube

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