WHICH NEW MOVIE release is worth the price of a cinema ticket this weekend?
We’re here to help you decide just that, with the help of these trailers.
The Paperboy
For fans of: Macy Gray (hey Macy!), sweaty faces, big hair
Avoid if: The idea of a love scene between Nicole Kidman and Zac Efron makes you feel unwell, bad accents make you cringe
Terrible Southern American accents abound as Nicole Kidman, Zac Efron, David Oyelowo and Matthew McConaughey team up to prove a man (John Cusack) was framed for murder.
As they try to uncover the truth, Ward Jansen (McConaughey) gets to chase what could be the story of his career, Charlotte Bless (Kidman) and Jack Jansen (Efron) get ‘close’ (is it ever possible to have a sole female character who isn’t a love interest? Just asking) and a sweaty summer gets a whole lot grittier.
- RottenTomatoes.com rating: 39 per cent
Man on the Train
For fans of: Larry Mullen, brooding men, crime capers, Donald Sutherland’s moustache
Avoid if: You prefer the Edge
Look at that! It’s a dark-haired Larry Mullen (yes, U2′s Larry) in his first film role. And he has only gone and teamed up with Donald freaking Sutherland (and his moustache) for a film about two men, a gun, a town and a bank.
This remake of a 2002 French film (called L’Homme du Train, unsurprisingly) is Mullen’s chance to prove that he isn’t just a pretty musician, and despite his accent wavering between Irish, British and American throughout this trailer (we’ll blame the transatlantic life of a famous musician for that), we’re thinking his brooding approach could go down well with viewers.
The relationship between Mullen’s criminal and Sutherland’s retired poetry professor is key here, and we’re curious to see how their bond develops. Interestingly, Mullen also produced the film and was the soundtrack supervisor, and described the process as a “baptism of fire“. Sounds painful.
- RottenTomatoes.com rating: No score yet
Texas Chainsaw 3D
For fans of: Blood, guts and gore – in 3D, chainsaws, death masks and Leatherface
Avoid if: The only leather you like is on your handbag, the idea of a 3D horror film brings you out in a rash, you prefer Disney
DO NOT WATCH THIS TRAILER if you’re squeamish (sorry if that warning came 2.29 seconds too late for you). Personally, I only made it half-way through the preceding ad before I copped out due to fear, which gives some indication of how much of a wuss I am. Even the thought of this film is enough to give me the heebie-jeebies, so I salute those who like nothing better than settling down for an evening of watching blood, guts, gore and murder on their tellybox.
This is the latest in the long-running and probably past its sell-by date Texas Chainsaw Massacre series, and this time good ol’ Leatherface terrorises some young teenagers. Par for the course, really, but one can’t help wondering if they should have just left it with the original film. Don’t kill me for saying that, Leatherface.
- RottenTomatoes.com rating: 20 per cent