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Your Weekend Movies: Flight, Hyde Park on Hudson, Bullet to the Head

Cinema trip this weekend? TheJournal.ie brings you snippets from new releases to help you decide where to put your money…

WHICH NEW MOVIE release is worth the price of a cinema ticket this weekend?

We’re here to help you decide just that, with these trailers.



For fans of: Near death experiences, Denzel ‘cool as ice’ Washington, mid-air disasters


I don’t really enjoy flying (to put it mildly), so if you’re anything like me you’ll probably a) avoid this movie like the plague or b) watch it while cowering face-first under the arm of your unlucky boyfriend/girlfriend/best friend/nearest stranger. Cool-as-ice Denzel Washington plays pilot Whip Whittaker, who drinks too much (argh!), gets on a plane (urghhh!!) and then FLIES IT (umgfff…).

The film follows the aftermath of the crash and whether Whittaker goes to jail – or ends up being a hero after all.

Hyde Park on Hudson


For fans of: Bill Murray, cut-glass accents, British humour

Avoid if: You’re morally opposed to the US and UK ‘becoming one’

What happens when the US President is visited by the Queen of England? This film explores in comic style exactly that. Expect a clash of social attitudes and some light stereotyping as the Brits and Americans meet on US soil.

This trailer is a little underwhelming, however, so we’re not sure if this true story gets the all-out sentimental or comedic treatment. Hmm. Still, it stars Bill Murray (as President Franklin D Roosevelt) and Laura Linney (his cousin Margaret ‘Daisy’ Suckley, who he, eh, has an affair with), so at least there’s that.

Bullet to the Head


Hey! It’s Sly Stallone here. Capiche? If you want some trash takin’ out, I’m your man. My goddamn partner was clipped by some low-life in a club, so I told my kid I’d give the game a kick in the ass and say ciao. But hey, I’ve gotta go thump some thugs to avenge his death before I do.

You ever read those books with more coloured pictures than words? Yeah. Graphic novels or cartoons or whatever. That’s how they told my story the first time around, sucker. Now I’m on your big screen. BOOM. Take that, fellas. And ladies. Hey ladies…

Catch up on all the recent Weekend Movies >

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