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18 things you'll only know if you went to Trinity College Dublin

See you at the Pav after this lecture?

FEW THINGS UNITE people like a shared college experience.

A lot of people meet their best mates in college, decide on their chosen careers, go on nights out that are told as stuff of legend for years and leave scarred by their final year exams and thesis. Trinity college student, this is your life.

(Psst, don’t worry. Other colleges around the country will be getting their turn soon too.)

1. First things first…

Nobody actually ever says “Trinners for winners.” Well, not if they want any friends, that is.

Source: Flickr/informatique

2. The different dress codes between the Hamilton and the Arts Block

There’s a fierce divide between the Science and Humanities faculties – manifesting in general ignorance of each other’s ways, or light-hearted jeering. The more scientifically-adept students live down by Pearse Street, while the Arts students swan around Nassau Street. And never the twain shall meet. GAA jerseys haunt the Hamilton, while the latest trends stalk moodily around the Arts ramp.

And if you fancied someone from the opposing camp? Well, pretty much just picture a scene from West Side Story. Except at the Pav. And with shifting instead of dancing.

Source: Google Maps

3. How to sneak onto the roof of the Museum building


Source: Flickr/connalob

4. Ents was the only SU position that truly mattered at election time

President? Education? Whatever. Our hearts went to whoever gave empty promises to put up cinema screens at the Pav.

Also, the horror of trying to battle your way to lectures from the Buttery during the campaign weeks. The pure, unadulterated horror.

Source: Facebook

5. That there was no point trying to sneak into the Ball

Europe’s largest private party, eh? We all heard that rumour of someone who hid in a wardrobe in Rubrics or under a sheet in Botany Bay – or even up a tree somewhere – but let’s face it: it never worked.

Young lad enjoying a restorative cup of tea the morning after the Ball Source: Mark Stedman/Photocall Ireland

6. Arts Block ramp politics

A place of overriding social importance. A place to loiter, to meet, to make plans, and – crucially – to try and look cool smoking.

Source: Trinity Digital Exhibition/Flickr

7. The Pav toilets will always be banjaxed

In the bad old days, there was only one toilet per gender. For a whole student bar. Think about that for just a moment, please.

But even since the recent refurbishment, it’s like people just can’t contain themselves in there. The wise nipped down to the Hamilton to do the necessary, and the more foolish were inevitably caught by the ever-vigilant security popping into bushes.

Source: Flickr/Charlie Brewer

8. Campanile superstitions

Walk under that Campanile as an undergraduate as it rings and you’ll fail your exams. Or maybe you’ll fail your exams because you view the Swift theatre as a second comfy bed to nap in, who knows.

Source: Flickr/Brood_wich

9. You’ll join the Phil and the Hist in Freshers’ Week

And never debate (except for perhaps an ill-fated attempt at the Maidens). You’ll go whenever they get a famous American over, though, naturally.

Source: The Green Party

10. The library hierarchy

The Lecky was for when you were feeling like a doss library session. The Ussher denoted a slightly more serious attempt at study. And if you locked yourself away in the icy tower of the Berkeley’s Law library, then you meant SERIOUS BUSINESS.

Source: farrellink

11. Realising at exams you don’t know where anything is

Goldsmith? Luce? What? (This possibly only applies to the generally-oblivious Arts students.)

Source: Dusac.org

12. The iron rule of campus security

Don’t mess with these high-vis, no-nonsense, stern-faced, rule-abiding brothers. Trying to get into a party on campus after midnight? Forget it, pal. It’s Chinatown.

13. You know all the little tricks of the buildings

Like the fact that the Arts Block has a great jacks for hungover voms up on the mysterious sixth floor, or the secluded post-grad reading room, or tiny society rooms tucked up in further reaches behind the Atrium, or the fabled tunnels that run under Front Square…

14. The vagaries of House 6

Your life either revolved around it, or you weren’t entirely sure where it even was.

It’s where you went to get cheap SU shop treats, barge past busy hacks, to sort out any difficulty you had with your elected reps, and also – thrillingly – to collect your FREE PROPHYLACTICS! CASHBACK!

Source: Flickr/Joachim S Muller

15. Society heads

Players were the worst, the debaters mostly kept to themselves (hopefully), the SU was a baffling world unto itself, Publications seemed to have the best craic, the VDP were admirably noble… And then of course, the people just there for the wine receptions and free food.

The delicate society eco-climate in Trinity is a beautiful thing.

DOUGHNUT RECEPTION? Sure, maths, cool. Sign me up, Scottie Source: Maths.tcd.ie

16. How to cope expertly with tourists

Imagine how many holiday snaps the average Trinity student is in. Not a day goes by while crossing Fellows or Front Square that you wouldn’t be caught in the frame of an eager American’s photo. And as for those old “Trinity Ball” jokes? Give it a rest.

KONICA MINOLTA DIGITAL CAMERA Some tourists snapping a few pics of some students Source: Flickr/septiagesima

17. The architecture of Arts Block

Modelled on the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, apparently – but they used the wrong type of stone in the bricks, so they couldn’t grow plants in the cavernous ceiling blocks. But that doesn’t explain the Blade Runner motif running through the building, down to the blue toilet lights.

Source: Portable.TV/TCD.ie

18. And before you start…

We know, we know. We don’t like the stuck-up image either.

Share your TCD memories in the comments. Or, if you went somewhere else, let us know what you think of Trinity students. But be kind. We’re sensitive flowers.

Read: 21 ways to tell you were an Irish college student>

Read: 11 activities every Irish college student engages in>

About the author:

Fiona Hyde

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