ROMANCE ISN’T ALL hearts and proposals and whisking people away on loved-up weekends you know?
It can be about the simple things too…
Not eating the other person’s chips, and getting your own chips instead
A person’s chips is their sanctuary. True love is respecting that.
Not having to hold in your farts anymore
Well, to a certain extent. We’re not ANIMALS!
And being able to say this
It’s a real concern.
Waiting for them to get home to watch the next episode
Is there any greater test of patience and love?
Putting them down as your “in case of emergency” person
You want the doctor to call them if you ever trip over a toddler/overdose on Monster Munch. So touching.
Skyping using a dodgy internet connection
A foolproof way to bring out the monster within.
Helping them through a hangover
Extra romance points if going to the shop to buy tins of fizz and beige food is involved.
Doing this