Dublin: 11 °C Sunday 23 February, 2025

10 people on Twitter who probably have trust issues

The latest trending topic to make us a bit worried about people.

EARLIER ON TWITTER #DontTrustSomeoneThat was a trending topic.

We had a nose through lots of them and came across the people who definitely have very specific kinds of trust issues.

From Digimon to wrist watches, they are a heap of people with problems in the trust department.

10 people on Twitter who probably have trust issues
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  • Twitter people with trust issues

  • Twitter people with trust issues

  • Twitter people with trust issues

  • Twitter people with trust issues

  • Twitter people with trust issues

  • Twitter people with trust issues

  • Twitter people with trust issues

  • Twitter people with trust issues

  • Twitter people with trust issues

  • Twitter people with trust issues

This could ONLY happen on Irish Twitter…>

Some of the best and worst teachers ever>

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