1. No, you can’t buy alcohol in the pub today
This is the sign on the door of The Temple Bar.
2. Really, look at these tourists in Temple Bar. So confused
Read about their woes here.
3. But there are a few ways around it
Yes, you can take a ferry to Holyhead if you fancy a bev that much.
4. This leads to hell on earth in off licences on Holy Thursday night
5. While eating meat is seen as a desperate sign of disrespect
But you can still buy meat if you want, you heathen.
6. Ditto chocolate and sweets
Lent isn’t over until you crack into your Twirl Easter egg on Sunday morning.
7. And you can still hear the Angelus every evening before the main evening news
Bong! Bong! Bong!
8. And there are some pubs that play the National Anthem at the end of every night
No, not Don’t Stop Believing, the actual National Anthem. The lights go on, everyone stands up, and belts it out in Irish.