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Tudor Week spelled disaster for a wondrous GBBO friendship, and people are devastated

We weren’t ready. :( Spoilers for the latest episode!

The Great British Bake Off 2016 - episode 8 Source: BBC/Love Productions/Mark Bourdillon

THE LITTLE FRIENDSHIPS that develop on GBBO are some of the nicest parts of the series. Last year, we had Nadiya and Tamal; this season, Selasi and Benjamina.

They gave us cute moments like this:

tumblr_oe8mdx1gqO1spoiyqo1_1280 Source: Tumblr

And this:

tumblr_oe9hjjsIc81r79jclo1_400 Source: Tumblr

And this:

benjamina Source: Twitter/@BritishBakeOff

Basically, they were friendship goals and everyone would 100% watch the series proposed in this tweet.

Tonight, however, the pair found themselves in the bottom, with Paul and Mary deciding that one of them would have to go.

Candice was awarded Star Baker thanks to an excellent technical bake and and i n c r e d i b l e peacock showstopper – but Benjamina was given the boot after a few too many dodgy bakes.

Everyone is quite surprised at Paul and Mary’s choice (Benjamina is certainly more consistent than old Selasi, bless him) – and devastated that we won’t get to see the pair’s friendship grow even more.

Alas, onwards we must go to the two (two!) remaining episodes. Goodbye Benjamina, you’re a star in our eyes :(

tumblr_odln6a82341vaipdfo1_500 Source: Tumblr

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Previously: Nobody could deal with this ‘hipster picnic’ on GBBO>

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