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13 times Tumblr was so right about learning Irish

“And suddenly, a car hit me.”

1. Firstly, the sraith pictíur are totally open to interpretation

“an bae: tar anseo”

ni Source: scullaaaaaaayyyyy/Tumblr

me Source: scullaaaaaaayyyyy/Tumblr

2. And your ‘aiste’ must always contain a freak accident

It’s mandatory.

car Source: jameskheldar/Tumblr

3. Being liberal with fadas is the name of the game

*sticks fada on every vowel just for good measure*

exam Source: amy

4. The sraith pictiúr are a breeding ground for banter

“Weed iontach!”

tumblr_o490d4MHzz1urttkeo1_1280 Source: sraithpics/Tumblr

5. The prose is always incredibly grim… and yet you find yourself identifying with it

Who among us didn’t relate to Seamas’ plight in An t-Ádh after sitting Paper 2?

tadh Source: teresa322/Tumblr

6. When you’re listening to tape and you don’t understand a word…

tumblr_o8kx4wsdWz1urf9efo1_540 Source: oh2e/Tumblr

7. Like, nothing

oh Source: pyrohalsey/Tumblr

8. This about sums up all the poems and prose on Irish Paper 2

“Dublin is shit. I’m moving back to Inis Mór because it’s always sunny there.”

Irish literature in a nutshell.

tumblr_o1j3faT4Ci1s28mbxo1_1280 Source: yourbitchtonightt/Tumblr

9. Same

tog Source: unretiredarsehole/Tumblr


gaiege Source: theperksofbeingamarshmallow/Tumblr

11. When you’re reading through the sraith pictiúr and you’re like, “Pssht, would never happen”

mar Source: irishthings/Tumblr

12. When you realise that God is referenced a lot

god Source: fado-fado/Tumblr

13. And finally… remember learning off these essays about Fadbh na nDrugaí?

Thank God those days are behind us, what?

tumblr_nl7ln3uQON1tceo3jo1_500 Source: leavingcert625/Tumblr

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About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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