YOU MAY HAVE heard the news that Yahoo! have spent $1.1 billion dollars on the blogging platform Tumblr.
Tumblr’s audience, which boasts a large concentration of teens and people in their early 20s, is already fretting that the service is going to become more stodgy and commercial under the ownership of an 18-year-old company that seems ancient by Internet standards.
Not only that but Tumblr has it’s own unique style and certainly takes some getting used to.
But what kind of stuff are Yahoo! getting for their $1.1 billion dollars?
We’ve had a look at the kind of thing that happens on Tumblr.
1. Teen updates
Want to know what “the kids” are up to?
Well they seem to be teaching younger children about “#YOLO”:
Sneaking Out of Reality / Tumblr
2. Lots of people making fun of Yahoo!
With GIFs like this:
Joost5 / Tumblr
3. There are fairly amazing pictures of goats on trampolines
Looking At The Stars /Tumblr
4. People have usernames that cannot be repeated for fear of offending families
via Twitter
5. There are good jokes about babies
via Imgur
6. People post uber-angsty stuff
Like this:
C-o-ll-a-g-e / Tumblr
and this:
C-o-ll-a-g-e / Tumblr
7. People can be really funny
via Unfriendable
8. Life dilemmas are discussed
via Imgur
9. Lots of One Direction stuff
Including weird fan fiction like this:
Devine Loving / Tumblr
10. You get to find out what the kids need help with.
Spoiler alert: everything
Kanyewesticle / Tumblr
11. Important questions about animals
via Imgur
- Additional reporting by Associated Press