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19 terrifying things you learn by the time you're 29

Growing up, growing up to be…

1. 29 is more terrifying than 30

Thirty has a nice rounded edge. You get to have a big party. You get to joke about being 30. Twenty-nine seems older somehow. More menacing.

Roko is stressed about getting older - Imgur Source: Imgur

2. You can’t remember what you were doing at 19

You must have been in college right? Or working in Woodies? Living with Dave, Susan, Caroline and Cormac? Drunk?

dev Source: Devlin Connaughton

3. Or 25

You were… in Australia? Working in that recruitment firm? Drunk?

taste Source: PressReleases.ie

4. But yet you still think of yourself as 17

And you have years to go before you have to think about serious things. YEARS!

I am turning 30 soon and I sometimes find myself wondering. - Imgur Source: Imgur

5. So why does everyone else seem so grown up?

WRW I realize it's my last night in my 20s.. Turning 30 tomorrow! - Imgur Source: Imgur

(Pssst, here’s a tip. They’re not)

6. You can drink whenever you want

Wine with brunch? SURE! Just swept the floor? HAVE A CELEBRATORY BEER!

This often leads to hangovers at 8pm and realising you’ve eaten an entire wheel of cheese in front of Grand Designs.

7. And it’s totally fine to include alcohol in your weekly shop

Few bottles of red. In case anyone calls around.

Oh, and you do a weekly shop, because you’re that grown up.

tumblr_m1v9n4O3HV1rr67kso1_500 Source: Tumblr

8. You start a sentence with “when I was in college…”, and then realise that it was at least ten years ago

Bruce-Jenner-fake-crying-Im-getting-so-old-GIF-KUWTK Source: Crushable

9. Hangovers. Those damn hangovers


10. Grey hairs don’t just happen to old people

I'm 26, have a lot of gray hair, and am baffled by Twitter - Imgur

11. Eventually you will have to find the biting point

Twenty-nine and can’t drive? Come on now.

9a5db671f27808f26f648a70e870474ba3a6d0b23a9185489b6b9e749a217da6 Source: Quickmeme

12. The books you read now will never be as fantastic as the books you loved as a child and a teenager

If only it were acceptable to read The Famous Five or Are You There God, It’s Me Margaret on the Luas.

Five Go to Mystery Moor Source: Wikipedia

13. Ditto with films

Labyrinth, The Goonies, The Mighty Ducks. My Girl. They just don’t make them like they used to.


14. Saving. Everyone around you is saving

You’re almost certain you have a €2 coin on your bedside locker. Other people have actual thousands squirrelled away in special bank accounts.

b26983ebaba440e5e218b58453b9ca43 Source: Pinimg

15. Super successful celebrities are all younger than you

Emma Stone is 25.

Germany Spider Man Source: AP/Press Association Images

Zac Efron is 26.

Neighbours Premiere - Los Angeles Source: AP/Press Association Images

Rihanna is 26.

2014 CFDA Fashion Awards - Arrivals Source: AP/Press Association Images

Ed Sheeran is 23.

T in The Park 2014 - Day 1 Source: Yui Mok

16. You don’t give a damn what people think about you

Which only makes you realise how much of a damn you used to give.

Meryl-Streep-Whatever-Award-Show-Speech Source: Mrwgifs

17. Hanging around with your parents is something you look forward to

And they were right. About everything.

Phil-Dunphy-GIF Source: Lukeroxas

18. Time really does fly

It’s already August. Think about that for a minute (or 30 minutes, because time has lost all meaning)

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19. You don’t have to settle

Want to do a Masters? Go ahead! Want to change jobs? What’s stopping you? Got some wanderlust? Satisfy it! The only person stopping you… is you.

Also, you’re still in your twenties. You young pup!

It's my 29th birthday today, and I fully intend on channeling drunk Ron Swanson tonight. - Imgur Source: Imgur

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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