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Here's what your favourite 1990s TV characters look like now

My, how you’ve grown!

MUCH LIKE SEEING a teacher outside of school, it can be jarring to see an actor you grew up watching on TV when they have grown up and gotten older.

Here are some TV characters, then and now. (Warning: results may vary.)

1. Neil Buchanan from Art Attack

neilbuchanan Source: PA/neilbuchanan.co.uk

2. Harvey Kinkle from Sabrina, The Teenage Witch

harveykinkle Source: swonderfulsmarvellous.wordpress.com/Nate Richert

3. Niamh Connolly AKA The Feminist from Father Ted

thefeminist Source: PA

4. Dewy from Malcolm in the Middle

dewey Source: PA/showbizgeek

5. Roger from Sister, Sister

roger Source: sistasista.wikia.com/Marques Houston

6. Hilary Banks and Carlton Banks from The Fresh Prince of Bel Air

tumblr_mccoupht5m1qdxd3qo1_500_large Source: Global Grind

And now…

hilarycarlton Source: karyn_parsons/Twitter

7. Curly Watts from Coronation Street

curlywatts Source: bidStart/mrkevkennedy

8. Winnie Cooper from The Wonder Years

winniecooper Source: Rookie Mag/PA

9. Jessie Spano from Saved by the Bell

jessiespano Source: Jezebel/PA

10. Saffron from Absolutely Fabulous

saffronabfab Source: DollyMix.tv/PA

11. Ferguson Darling from Clarissa Explains It All

ferguson Source: YouTube/b-longblog.blogspot.com

12. Xander from Buffy The Vampire Slayer

xander3 Source: Nicholas Brendon/Twitter

13. Ruthie Camden from 7th Heaven

ruthie Source: Mackenzie Rosman/Twitter

12 reasons why we can’t have nice things >

18 actors who NEARLY got these iconic roles >

About the author:

Amy O'Connor

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