EVERY WEEKDAY lunchtime, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.
David Beckham rides a motorbike around Brazil (BBC One, 8.30pm)
In this show (officially called David Beckham: Into The Unknown), a post-retirement Becks goes for a spin around the wilds of Brazil and does his best to avoid being recognised. It’s an unusual venture into TV for the man of many haircuts, so should be an interesting one ahead of the World Cup kick-off this Thursday.
Dumb and Dumber (ITV2, 9pm)
Do you want another chance to watch Harry and Lloyd spend their life savings turning a van into a dog? Of course you do. Man, you are one pathetic loser. (Incidentally, Dumb and Dumber To is now scheduled for release this December.)
The Savage Eye (RTÉ Two, 10pm)
Last in the series of David McSavage’s sketch show. This evening’s broadcast will be more closely watched than usual, as it comes after McSavage uploaded a sketch to YouTube which he claims RTÉ refused to broadcast. (Keep an eye out for nuns.)
Everybody’s talking about: Binge-watching Orange Is The New Black
The second season of Orange Is The New Black was released on Friday. And if your Twitter feed wasn’t entirely consumed with people binge-watching it over the weekend, then… you follow different people from us on Twitter. Best get on it quickly, as the statute of limitations for complaining about spoilers will expire, oh, sometime this week.
Or switch over for:
- Jamie’s Money Saving Meals (Channel 4, 8.30pm) J-O cooks up some pukka dinners on the cheap.
- CCTV: Caught On Camera (Channel 4, 10pm) A documentary about the people who watch CCTV cameras.
- The Family Project (RTÉ One, 7.30pm) Davy Fitzgerald helps out a Clare family.
- Country Strong (TG4, 9.30pm) One of the only movies on tonight, this Gwyneth Paltrow music flick.