EVERY WEEKDAY lunchtime, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.
Pet Island (RTÉ One, 7pm)
New RTÉ show following some of Ireland’s most besotted (read: bonkers) pet owners. We’ve already seen some truly eccentric preview clips, including people using psychic powers to talk to their dogs, and a beauty salon owner showing off her pedigree’s wardrobe. If the rest can live up to that standard, this promises to be great. #petisland
Sharknado 2 (Syfy, 9pm)
Billed as The Second One, this is the follow-up to last year’s social media phenomenon Sharknado. In case you hadn’t guessed. It involves yet another tornado full of sharks, and stars Tara Reid and Ian Ziering from Beverly Hills 90210.
Kids and Guns (Channel 4, 10pm)
Documentary following several American families who encourage their young children to shoot. One couple lost their nine-year-old son to a gun accident, while another man is teaching his four-year-old daughter to shoot “whether she likes it or not”. Sounds compelling and almost certainly controversial. #kidsandguns
Shed of the Year (Channel 4, 8pm)
An entire programme devoted to the best sheds in the UK? Sign us up. If it’s anything like as good as last week’s, this will be an hour of solid shed porn. Put the kettle on. #shedoftheyear
Thanks to Ben Calton for the heads up on Sharknado 2.
Everybody’s talking about: David Simon
The near-legendary creator of The Wire has signed up to make another new series for HBO. It’s going to be called Show Me A Hero, and will tell the story of the young mayor of Yonkers, New York in the 1960s. The mayor is forced to build low-income housing projects in his town, causing racial strife and ultimately destroying his own career, according to the AV Club.
So, happy stuff then? Yep.
Or flick over for…
Embarrassing Bodies (Channel 4, 9pm) “Dr Pixie meets a man with hot testicles” *reaches for remote control*
Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room (RTÉ One, 12.20am) Great documentary about the scandal that rocked corporate America.
The Shelbourne (RTÉ One, 8.30pm) The hotel’s staff gear up for Paddy’s Day. BATTEN THE HATCHES.
True Lies (More4, 9pm) Classic Arnie.