EVERY WEEKDAY lunchtime, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.
The Zoo (RTÉ One, 7pm)
The beloved fly-on-the-wall documentary about Dublin Zoo is BACK with a new series. Tonight’s episode will feature a week-old baby monkey called Chico, who frankly looks unbelievably cute. Also an endangered okapi – like a bizarre cross between a zebra and a cow – makes its first appearance. #TheZoo
Don’t Cap My Benefits (BBC One, 9pm)
With strong echoes of recent years in Ireland, the UK government is introducing widespread benefit cuts. For this show, journalists from Panorama investigated one of the worst-hit areas of London to tell the stories of some of those affected by the cutbacks.
The Takeover (RTÉ Two, 9.30pm)
New episode of the show where bosses hand over control of their businesses to the staff. This one is all about Gerry McNulty’s struggling furniture store in Roscommon. Can he boost business by letting the shop-floor workers call the shots? #TheTakeover
Trending: The Truman Show
Remember The Truman show, the classic 1998 movie starring Jim Carrey as a guy whose whole life was a fabrication designed for TV? Well, they’re planning a TV series. Paramount Pictures is reportedly looking at reviving the concept for a longer-running series, as part of a general trend away from movies and towards big-budget ‘box set’ TV.
Or switch over for…
- Masterchef (BBC One, 8pm) Two chefs will be sent home tonight.
- The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas (BBC Two, 9pm) Tearjerking movie based on the bestselling novel.
- The Hoarder Next Door (Channel 4, 8pm) Cameras visit the homes of compulsive hoarders.
- Jigs and Wigs (RTÉ One, 8.30pm) Last in the documentary series about the world of Irish dancing.
- Death Race (TV3, 9pm) Bonkers action movie starring Jason Statham.