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What to watch on TV tonight: Thursday

Here are the shows that’ll be on your Twitter timeline later.

Peter Coonan as David Drumm in The Guarantee
Peter Coonan as David Drumm in The Guarantee
Image: The Guarantee

Every lunchtime, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.

The Guarantee (TV3, 9pm)

The TV premiere of the 2014 Irish movie, starring Peter Coonan among others, about that night when the Irish government decided to guarantee the banking system, and suddenly everything changed. Afterwards, and fresh from his show’s 1,001st night on air, Vincent Browne takes to our screens for a special debate around the guarantee, six years on.

David Attenborough’s Conquest of the Skies (Sky One, 8pm)

D-Attz brings us the second episode of his new series, looking at the incredible evolution of flying creatures and the marvels of engineering that allow them to get about in the air. Expect beautifully-shot footage and lots of Attenborough gravitas.

Ireland’s Oyster Clan (TV3, 8pm)

New TV3 series (yes, another one – they’re firing them out this January) billing itself as ‘Ireland’s Duck Dynasty’. The Oyster Clan is the “colourful and eccentric” Louet-Feisser family from Carlingford, who are trying to turn their oyster business into the country’s biggest one. The show follows them about their daily business, which tonight involves Rick Stein arriving for a tasting. Hijinks possible.

Everybody’s talking about: Red Rock

TV3′s new soap – and Ireland’s first new home-produced soap in years – premiered last night and drew almost as large an audience as Emmerdale. An average of 323,000 people tuned in according to TV3, against 325,000 for the UK soap. Reaction to the first episode was mixed – here’s the DailyEdge.ie take on what we learned.

Or flick over for…

  • The Kyle Files (UTV Ireland, 7.30pm) Yes, Jeremy Kyle has a new series looking at the problems facing Britain today. Yes, you’ll probably end up watching it.
  • Shut-Ins: Britain’s Fattest People (Channel 4, 9pm) Cameras follow two of Britain’s most overweight people as they try to turn things around.
  • Scandal (Sky Living, 10pm) New series of the quasi-legal drama.
  • Sex Party Secrets (Channel 4, 10pm) Documentary about elite sex parties. Channel 4 tries to give the whole business a vaguely academic veneer even though all anyone’s interested in is the smutty details.

More: Can Red Rock become a staple in Irish households?>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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