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What to watch on TV tonight: Thursday

Here are the shows that’ll be on your Twitter timeline later.

Amanda Brunker
Amanda Brunker
Image: TV3

Every lunchtime, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.

Danger! Amanda At Work (TV3, 9pm)

In the latest of TV3′s bonkers new programmes, Amanda Brunker tries out some of the toughest jobs in Ireland.
Tonight, she experiences life on board the Dearbhla, a 23m fishing vessel that travels 100 miles out to sea from Howth. #dangeramandaatwork

Norah’s Traveller Academy (RTÉ2, 9pm)

On the other side of the TV schedule, businesswoman Norah Casey is taking four ambitious traveller women under her wing and encouraging their entrepreneurial spirit. The women have different skills (from fashion design, to journalism, to fine art) but the will to go all the way. #norahstravelleracademy

After Braveheart (RTÉ One, 10.15pm)

In this two-part docu-drama, we discover what happened after the Scots defeated the English at the Battle of Bannockburn. In an attempt to preserve their stronghold, the Scottish decided to invade Ireland, and try to unite the Celtic nations. #afterbraveheart

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Everyone’s talking about… #GameOfThrones

With Season 5 of the hit show set to premiere on Sunday April 12, Game of Thrones fans are finally allowed to start getting excited.

ThreeEyedRaven.com has sent out another short teaser – this one shows a whole host of random people, animals and objects, including a shot of Sansa Stark in a doorway.

Watch here, and try to make sense of it:

Source: wickd sick/YouTube

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Or switch over for...

  • Getaways (RTÉ One, 7pm) Angela Scanlon and Joe Lindsay present this new travel show - Croatia is up first.
  • Ireland's Oyster Clan (TV3, 8pm) The Louet-Feissers compete in some demanding challenges.
  • Red Rock (TV3, 8.30pm) The drama continues.
  • Cyberbully (Channel 4, 9pm) Game of Thrones' Maisie Williams stars in this new thriller.
  • Almost Famous (RTÉ One, 1am) Staying up late? Watch one of the best music films of all time. Hold me closer, tiny daaaaancer...

More: Watch Ellen DeGeneres' brilliant response to an anti-gay critic>

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