DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.
The Moorside (BBC1, 9pm)
The finale of this well-received drama, which tells the true story of the 2008 kidnapping of nine-year-old Shannon Matthews. Sheridan Smith plays Julie Bushby, a community leader finally realising something about the case doesn’t quite add up. #themoorside
Pretty Woman (BBC1, 11.10pm)
Thank you, BBC, for actually providing some suitable Valentine’s Day viewing, albeit at such a late hour. Julia Roberts is the sex worker with a heart of gold who falls for Richard Gere’s wealthy businessman.
Super Slimmers: Did They Keep The Weight Off? (Channel 4, 8pm)
Magazines and newspapers regularly run stories about people losing huge amounts of weight, with pictures of them posing beside cardboard cut-outs of their former selves. But what happens next? This documentary meets six people who lost a total of 80 stone between them to find out. #superslimmers
Everybody’s talking about: The Late Late Valentine’s Special
Surprise, surprise – the antics on Friday’s Late Late resulted in over 300 calls and emails to RTÉ, according to the Irish Mirror.
The broadcaster has refused to comment on the nature of these complaints, but did confirm that the volume and calls and emails relating to the show was “higher than usual”.
RTÉ has received 10 formal complaints… [It] will respond to these complaints within 20 days, in keeping with the RTÉ Complaints procedure established under the Broadcasting Act 2009. In addition, RTÉ has to date received 176 calls and 120 emails offering negative feedback about the programme.
Or flick over for…
- Champion’s League (TV3, 7.30pm) Paris Saint-Germain take on Barcelona. Valentine’s Day viewing done right!
- Date Night (3e, 9pm) Tina Fey and Steve Carrell star as a married couple whose ‘date night’ takes a dangerous turn.
- Andrew Marr: My Brain and Me (BBC2, 9pm) The sports broadcaster discusses his recovery from a stroke in 2013.
- Homeland (RTÉ2, 9.30pm) The sixth season continues with Carrie’s client keeping her hands full.
- The Great British Skinny Dip (Channel 4, 10pm) Is there anything they won’t stick ‘Great British’ on? Now it’s the naturists’ turn.