EVERY WEEKDAY lunchtime, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.
The Betrayers (UTV, 9pm)
New documentary examining the lives of people who have been horribly duped by someone they “love and trust”. Includes the story of Frank Toman’s family in Belfast, who were targeted by a family friend who faked cancer and persuaded them to lend her several thousand pounds and eventually moved into their house. Shocking-sounding stuff. #thebetrayers
This Old Thing (Channel 4, 8pm)
The second episode of Dawn O’Porter’s show about vintage clothes. In this one she looks at how 1980s fashion is making its influence felt today, and brings high-street fan Emma on a tour of vintage accoutrements. Likely to be delightful.
Jackie Brown (11.10pm, Film4)
Classic Quentin Tarantino blaxploitation tribute featuring Pam Grier, Robert de Niro and director’s favourite Samuel L Jackson. Disgracefully funky tunes for a Wednesday night, really.
Everybody’s talking about: Better Call Saul
Could the Breaking Bad prequel bring back Walter White?
It emerged yesterday that the show will be set before, during and after the period covered by the original shows. That means we’re likely to see a return of more much-loved Breaking Bad characters, including possibly Walt himself.
Executive producer Peter Gould told the New York Daily News:
One of the great things about having a time line which is flexible is that perhaps some of it takes place before Breaking Bad, during Breaking Bad, and after Breaking Bad. That gives us the ability to bring back characters that were killed on Breaking Bad.
Or switch over for…
- The White Widow: Searching For Samantha (BBC1, 11.05pm) Documentary on the hunt for Samantha Lewthwaite, the radical widow of one of the 7/7 bombers.
- Hard Target (UTV, 11.05pm) Ridiculous Jean-Claude Van Damme movie. JCVD4LYF.
- Quantum of Solace (ITV2, 10.45pm) Daniel Craig’s second outing as Bond.
- OJ Simpson: Caught On Camera (More4, 9pm) The story of how the OJ Simpson trial became an era-defining moment in television.