Every lunchtime, DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.
The Good Wife (RTÉ One, 11.15pm)
The seventh series of the critically acclaimed and much-loved series arrives on our shores. Hardcore fans will have been waiting with baited breath for Alicia’s comeback to RTÉ – and they’ll all have no problem staying up a little later than usual to catch it. #TheGoodWife
Ireland and the Eurovision – The Good, the Bad and the Mad (RTÉ One, 10.15pm)
Another chance to watch Angela Scanlon’s look at our nation’s history with the Eurovision. It’s been some ride, hitting the heights of Johnny Logan and the lows of… Dustin. But let’s face it, it’s part of our national cultural heritage at this stage. #Eurovision
Location, Location, Location (Channel 4, 8pm)
Kirstie and Phil are back in the harness, trying to find people their perfect gaffs. The main reason to watch this, of course, is the tension as the couple involved hum and haw over one class property after another, and we can all sit and dream of turning down such places. #LocationLocationLocation
Celebrity Big Brother (TV3, 9pm)
The Irish lad made quite an impact on the viewing public so far, and there are also loads other “celebs” in here that are just aching to cause a fight/hook up for our viewing pleasure. Scotty T from Geordie Shore and former Hollyoaks regular Stephanie Davis are probably the pair to watch out for in this regard. #CBB
Everybody’s talking about… Brendan O’Connor is getting himself a new panel show on RTÉ this summer
It hasn’t been that long since he stopped presenting The Saturday Night Show, but Brendan O’Connor will be back on the telly this summer.
Reports suggest there will be 16 episodes during the summer months, but it won’t be a regular chat show.
Sure we’ll have to wait and see how it turns out.
Or switch over for…
- 21 Jump Street (ITV2, 9pm) A great pair of lads.
- Independence Day (Film4, 9pm) One of the all-time classic disaster movies. And with trailers for the new one knocking around, this is the perfect time to re-watch this for the 100th time.
- Ransom (IT4, 9pm) Some serious Mel Gibson nostalgia.