DailyEdge.ie rounds up the TV shows that you’ll be tweeting about tonight and talking about tomorrow.
First Dates Ireland Finale (RTÉ 2, 9.30pm)
This is it. The First Dates finale is upon us. It only feels like yesterday that Darryel and Amy dramatically decided to be friends in the first episode, and it’s been a rollercoaster ever since. Going by the preview of tonight’s episode, it looks like everyone in the restaurant forgets each other’s names. We’ll miss you, First Dates </3 #FirstDatesIreland
Peaky Blinders (BBC Two, 9pm)
We’re halfway through series three already, and tonight Tommy shares some important family news with his brothers, and outlines his plans for the most audacious criminal act the gang has ever undertaken. Another quiet night for the gang, then. #PeakyBlinders
Ted (Film4, 9pm)
The most foul-mouthed teddy bear in the history of anything and Mark Wahlberg have the craic in the original movie of the franchise. Remember that time little Ted was taken to Coppers? Well, he gets up to something much more mundane by being kidnapped in the film – and it’s worth a watch again. #Ted
Everyone’s talking about… Bojack Horseman is back on Netflix this summer
Word hadn’t got out when he’d be returning, but yesterday Netflix announced that it’s back with a third season on July 22nd.
Prepare to binge – and have the emotional intensity turned up to 11.
Or flick over for…
- Father Ted (RTÉ 2,9pm) Kicking Bishop Brennan Up The Arse. A perfect casual preparation for First Dates.
- The Catch (Sky Living, 10pm) Brand new drama.
- Horizon: E-Cigarettes – Miracle or Menace? (BBC Two, 11.15pm) A documentary looking at the rise of e-cigarettes.
- Britain’s Got Talent (TV3, 7.30pm) The last of the live semis.