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TV3 still hopes to air Vin B/Glenda Gilson travel programme next year

The prospect of the ultimate odd couple touring European capitals is not dead despite the programme not coming to our screens before Christmas as had been hoped.

Glenda and Vincent are off to Europe but what about Ivan Yates?
Glenda and Vincent are off to Europe but what about Ivan Yates?
Image: Mark Stedman/Photocall Ireland

TV3 HAS NOT ruled out the possibility of the ultimate odd couple, model Glenda Gilson and legendary journalist Vincent Browne, teaming up for a potentially hilarious travel programme in the new year.

It was hoped that the idea, the brainchild of outgoing programming director Ben Frow, could hit our TV screens before the end of the year but the commitments of both Glenda and Vincent or ‘Glencent’, as we are now forever referring to them as, means that won’t be happening.

However a spokesperson for TV3 told the DailyEdge.ie this week that the idea is on hold until the new year and will be looked at then by whomever replaces Frow.

The programme would see Vincent – best known for giving politicians a hard time on Tonight with Vincent Browne – teaming up with Glenda – best known for giving celebs less of a hard time on Xposé - and touring European capitals.

But while Glenda would see the historic and cultural sights of some of Europe’s best cities, Vincent would sample the night life.

It would be very much out of the Irish Times columnist’s comfort zone with potentially cringe worthy, yet unmissable and possibly hilarious consequences.

At the end of each programme, the duo would come together to give their verdict on their respective experiences.

Previously: Vincent Browne could front TV3 travel programme with… Glenda Gilson

Listen: Um… what did Vincent Browne say on TV last night?

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About the author:

Hugh O'Connell

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