WE’RE BIG FAN of Maria from Twisted Doodles around these parts. Her illustrations are witty and brilliantly Irish. (See: the time she nailed every episode of Room to Improve and summed up sunny days in Ireland.)
Earlier today, Maria, who is also the mother of twin baby girls, shared a heartwarming story on Facebook about an interaction she had with taxi app Hailo.
“On Tuesday after the babies were put to bed and I was waiting for them to go to sleep I got an email,” she wrote. “It was from the taxi app Hailo.”
There and then, Maria decided to reply to Hailo, explaining why she hadn’t had a chance to use their service recently.
Maria wrote that she “thought nothing of it” and hoped that it might “give them a laugh or something”.
To her surprise, however, they wrote back, thanking her for her kind e-mail. As a nice gesture, they topped up her account with some credit.
But that wasn’t all.
Later on, she received another e-mail from them. And this time, there was a very kind offer inside.
Can’t cope with the loveliness, tbh.
In response, Maria did what she does best and drew a lovely card for them.
Karma was clearly on Maria’s side as, later that day, she found a fiver at the bus stop. Keen to repay Hailo’s act of kindness, however, she didn’t keep it.
On my merry way I passed a bus shelter I saw a fiver on the ground, there was only a girl there who was a bit away from it. I scooped it up, holding it victorious with a ‘woo hoo!’ The girl said ‘Aw I didn’t see that there!’ I took a few steps away from the bus shelter, then I went back.
‘Are you a student?’ I asked the girl. ’Yes?’ I held out the fiver to her. ‘Take this, you could use it more than me.’ ’What? No! What? Are you sure?’
‘Yes! Just do something nice with it!’
Maria shared the story on Facebook earlier this afternoon and it has already received over 1,200 likes.
Faith in humanity restored <3