Dublin: 12 °C Tuesday 14 May, 2024

# twisted doodles

All time
12 of the best Irish Father's Day cards you can get for the world's best aul fella
An Irish artist has issued a timely reminder on the difference between shamrocks and four-leaf clovers
This cartoon perfectly sums up how the weather affects Ireland's national mood
This random act of kindness from Hailo to an Irish illustrator will warm your heart
This illustrator has designed a line of very Irish greeting cards, and they're amazing
This cartoon sums up every episode of Room To Improve perfectly
This chart perfectly sums up your Christmas holidays
This cartoon perfectly sums up the struggle of getting your mam a Christmas present
This cartoon perfectly sums up unexpected sunny days in Ireland
If your phone photos were developed by a 1980s Irish country chemist...
This cartoon describes Irish begrudgery PERFECTLY
Irish artist explains why we're all being attacked by flying ants
Summer in Ireland, summed up in one single comic
Wondering why you suddenly feel rubbish about yourself?
What's your ex doing now?