HATTIE GLADWELL HAS gotten the ball rolling on one of the most heartwarming threads we’ve stumbled across in a long, long time.
Reaching out to her followers, she asked them what their partners do for them on the regular without ever being asked.
And we’ll be honest, it’s wholesome AF.
We mean, we have hair-braiding, lunch-making and window-cleaning among much, much more.
If you’re going through a break-up right now, we might direct you away from this particular discussion and straight to the horror section on Netflix because, frankly, you don’t need this in your life.
If, however, you’re in the first flush of a new romance or get a kick out of randomers’ romantic tales, then have at it.
Here are just a few of our favourites.
Texts me daily and asks “did you get to work ok?”
— Gemski 👑 (@gemmmskiii) August 5, 2018
He always gets out of bed at night (right after getting in) to double check we locked the door for my anxiety’s sake
— Robyn Baldwin (@rob_dawgz) August 10, 2018
He puts the tooth paste on my tooth brush for me, every single night before bed ❤️
— Laura MacKeigan (@sidsmomlaura) August 10, 2018
My husband braids my hair before bed because it's very long and curly and tangles in the night.
— Kate Armitage (@itskatearmitage) August 2, 2018
I leave to school at 6:40am, 3 times a week. He'll wake up and walk me to my car and he cleans my windows as my car warms up. When I leave, he'll throw me kisses as I drive away.
— Kat B. (@MoonKat89) August 3, 2018
I’m a new yoga teacher and he comes to all my classes. Since the beginning and even when nobody else showed up but him he let me practice my teaching skills with him ❤️🙏🏽
— Valeria Del Castillo (@valcuit) August 3, 2018
She always remembers to carry my pain medication for me.
— Julian Barlow (@julerin8) August 2, 2018
When I have trouble sleeping he rubs my forehead until I fall asleep
— Emmy Izawa @ Youmacon (@xemmyizawax) August 4, 2018
My boyfriend has proof read every essay, dissertation, Cv and cover letter I have written ❤️
— Stephanie Shaw (@stephaniejs_) August 4, 2018
He finds videos of guinea-pigs to play when I’ve had a bad day, because he knows I bloody love guinea-pigs.
— Heather (@H3atheroo) August 4, 2018
Stayed up til the early hours watching Disney films with me when I couldn’t sleep after receiving bad news. I’m so lucky to have him ❤️
After my Mum died my wife paid to have a star named after my mum.
— Julian Barlow (@julerin8) August 5, 2018
Checks my bike before I set off for every ride
— Rebecca Harrison (@_becharrison) August 4, 2018
My husband will stash my favourite chocolate around the house so if I’m ever having a bad day and need a boost it’s always there
— JCP (@jjpsays) August 11, 2018
My spouse moves my towel closer to the shower every morning so I don't have to reach for it.
— Bean (@gabinathegreat) August 11, 2018