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Here's how Twitter reacted to the first episode of Charlie

There were a LOT of Love/Hate comparisons.

RTÉ AIRED PART one of their much anticipated Charlie Haughey drama Charlie last night, and it was trending on Twitter within minutes.

Between the Love/Hate cameos and questionable wigs, people had a lot to say.

There was much confusion to begin

Um, who is that supposed to be?

If it worked for ‘Bartender Stacie’…


But everyone recognised the most important character of all, the brown envelope


What about that MUSIC?

It’s a political drama, not Batman.

The most common comparison was to Love/Hate, considering most of the actors were used

Even RTÉ acknowledged it

But of course, that wasn’t the only comparison


the-west-wing Source: whatshihsaid

What did you think? Let us know in the comments.

Seven things you need to know about Charlie ahead of tonight’s show>

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