1. Robbie Brady’s brother’s face. Just this face
2. Oh, and Roy Keane and Martin O’Neill’s look of love
3. …A better love story than Twilight
4. Waterford Whispers were, as ever, on the ball
5. But similar sentiments were being expressed all over
6. As well as the feeling that Ireland had done the fans justice
7. And maybe it’s time for us to catch a break?
8. Robbie Brady’s Wikipedia page was of course amended straight away
9. And his goal was given the soundtrack it deserved
10. Everyone was delighted to see Roy Keane smile
11. No really. It’s a miracle
12. There were actual tears
13. And bursts of boldness
14. Everyone took a moment to remember Billo’s famous words
Alf has most definitely been deferred.
15. And one other thing…
Oh yes Henry. We’re coming for you.