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5 ways Twitter is damaging your love life

First Twitter, then divorce.

A NEW STUDY has found that too much Twitter could cause conflict in your relationship.

Researchers at the University of Missouri have said that using the social network too much and in certain ways can lead to cheating and relationship breakdowns.

The results from this study suggest that active Twitter use leads to greater amounts of Twitter-related conflict among romantic partners, which in turn leads to infidelity, breakup, and divorce

WOAH! You just use it to tweet about cats/football/Gogglebox, right?

Well here are some of the ways your Twitter use could see you swapping Twitter.com for Match.com.

1. Checking Twitter during ‘couples time’

Okay, the words “couples time” might make you want to puke, but the study found that checking Twitter when you’re supposed to be spending time with your partner is a major cause of conflict.

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2. Posting tweets about rows about Twitter

This is how this one might go down:

Your boyfriend/girlfriend: ”Ah here, can you not just leave Twitter for a few hours?”

You, immediately turning to Twitter:


3. Flirting with someone on Twitter

Come on, be honest. Are you just favouriting that tweet because you like the look of that person’s jib? Do you think that maybe in an alternate single universe you and he/she would be perfect together?

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4. DM-ing someone you’ve been flirting with on Twitter

Oh, got something to say that you can’t possibly put on your public timeline? DANGER BAY!

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5. Meeting up with someone from Twitter without your partner’s knowledge

Best to start dividing up the CDs now.

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via Jezebel

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About the author:

Emer McLysaght

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