PREPARE YOURSELVES for the ultimate #TBT.
Dublin station TXFM has gone back to 1991 for the day, playing only 90s hits and talking about ‘compact discs’ and ‘new releases’ from bands like Alice in Chains.
The logo has gotten a 90s makeover, all the news is from 1991, and they’re giving out gig listings for the likes of Morrissey at the Point Depot and Blur at McGonagle’s music venue.
They’ve even asked listeners to call in their requests and competition entries instead of sending texts/emails.
Needless to say, the throwbacks confused lots of people switching on the radio today.
Some people were tricked into Googling ticket details
Others were momentarily outraged by the ‘news’
And everyone else just felt extremely old
Today is a last hurrah of sorts for TXFM – the station has not renewed its broadcasting license for 2017, and will be going off the air at the end of October.
Listen live to their 1991 day here. This is exactly why you will be missed, TXFM. :(
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