A tatty nude bra you’re forced to wear in between washes
A staple of every gal’s wardrobe.
Has probably turned a weird shade of fleshy grey and is no doubt a bit misshapen.
A useless strapless bra that you have to pull up every five minutes
God help you if you wear it in public, tbh.
A sports bra you bought around the same time you took a solemn vow to actually go to the gym
Sorry not sorry.
A fluorescent bra covered in watermelons/asorted fruit/rabbits/something whimsical
Most likely purchased in Penneys for €7 because, sure, where would you get it?
A bra that got utterly destroyed in the wash, but you’re too heartbroken to throw out
And so it remains in the back of your drawer where it serves as a daily reminder of why you should hand wash your bras. (You still don’t, though.)
A ‘sexy’ bra that’s completely impractical and borderline embarrassing
The kind of bra that’s trying so hard to be ‘sexy’ that you feel embarrassed to leave it dry on a clothes horse lest any of your housemates see it.
An experimental bra that you purchased after reading a magazine article
So now you own a ‘bralet’ that you never wear because you suspect that it doesn’t quite keep your nips in check.
A bra you hang on to despite the fact that there’s literally wire coming out of it
- you to your bra
The perfect bra
This one fits you like a glove. In fact, it’s so comfy that you don’t even feel that well-documented urge to take it off when you come after a long day.
If only all bras were like this.