EVEN THOUGH EVERYONE seemed to get really annoyed that the last U2 album was on their iTunes for free – it still hasn’t stopped nearly a quarter of Apple users listening to the band last month.
A survey by data group Kantar has revealed that nearly 25% of ALL iOS users have listened to a U2 track in the month of January – which is way ahead of Taylor Swift and Katy Perry in second and third place.
You will remember, of course, that U2 released Songs of Innocence to every single iTunes user for free last year – and such was the annoyance that Apple were forced to come out and tell people how to delete it.
It looks like Apple users haven’t held a grudge against the band too much going by this data – which looks at artists as a whole and does not break down by album or song.
People still take to social media to complain about the album though
But, perhaps Bono and the lads will be having the last laugh on this one