PERFORMING IN TORONTO on Monday night, U2 had sold out the city’s Air Canada Centre as part of their ongoing tour.
A Canadian U2 tribute band called Acrobat were in the audience – and Bono called them up on stage halfway through the set. They were pretty happy:
The lead singer of the tribute band is Mark Baker – and U2 had him up on stage in Montreal last month. But this time he and his band got to actually perform a song – and it was none other than the U2 classic Desire.
Here, he even shared the famous harmonica solo with Bono
The crowd were loving it – and given the fact that the lads are a U2 tribute act, they did a fine job on such a big stage. And they looked like they were having the time of their lives.
And at the end Bono quipped “Love your early work”
Watch the full performance here – and revel in their joy:
And from another angle. “Toronto!”
Sound lads U2.
hat-tip Mashable