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U2 invited their own tribute band to perform on stage and they had the time of their lives

Sound Bono.

PERFORMING IN TORONTO on Monday night, U2 had sold out the city’s Air Canada Centre as part of their ongoing tour.

A Canadian U2 tribute band called Acrobat were in the audience – and Bono called them up on stage halfway through the set. They were pretty happy:

tributeband1 Source: Youtube

The lead singer of the tribute band is Mark Baker – and U2 had him up on stage in Montreal last month. But this time he and his band got to actually perform a song – and it was none other than the U2 classic Desire.

Here, he even shared the famous harmonica solo with Bono

tribute2 Source: Youtube

The crowd were loving it – and given the fact that the lads are a U2 tribute act, they did a fine job on such a big stage. And they looked like they were having the time of their lives.

And at the end Bono quipped “Love your early work”

tribute3 Source: Youtube

Watch the full performance here – and revel in their joy:

Source: Michel Quesnel/YouTube

And from another angle. “Toronto!”

Source: Talie/YouTube

Sound lads U2.

hat-tip Mashable

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About the author:

David Elkin

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