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Here are U2 filming their new video in Bray

They recruited locals as extras. Pics and video inside.

Source: Garret Brady/@hotspots_ie

U2 HAVE BEEN filming a new video for the last couple of days. Where? Bray, naturally.

They’ve been spotted waltzing up and down the promenade, generally being friendly to people, and recruiting locals for the video.

Here’s Bono making nice:

Source: Sarah-Jane Goff/@sarahjgoff

But it’s no piece of cake, being a U2 extra. There’s walking in it. One resident told us her friends…

were out for a walk when they saw the shoot and they came over to meet Bono. He asked them to be extras in the video shoot for ‘Desire’ so they had to walk up and down the promenade.

We’ve also received word that The Edge was offering ice-creams to nearby kids.

It might seem odd that U2 are shooting Desire as it came out in 1988. However, this fan site suggests that it could be to do with the upcoming 25th anniversary of Rattle and Hum.

You can hear the tune in this clip, which shows the lads frolicking at the waterside:

Source: alexschweigert

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About the author:

Michael Freeman

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