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UK police release lettuce-head image of suspect

Man portrayed with crazy crop of green hair is suspected of burglary.

Image: Hampshire police/PA

POLICE IN HAMPSHIRE, ENGLAND, have released a computer-created composite image of a suspected burglar, complete with lettuce-like hair.

Officers are searching for a man described as being around 40 years old, with wavy blond-grey hair, in connection with the theft of £60 from an elderly woman.

Upon seeing the image, local residents said his hair looked like lettuce.

Police admitted the image wasn’t the best quality, saying that although a technical problem had caused the discolouration, they still had a duty to identify criminals.

A spokesperson for the force told the Guardian that the lettuce-like hair should not detract from the overall effect of the image:

While the hair on this image may not be of the best quality, it takes nothing from the overall clarity of the facial features. It would therefore be wrong to withhold the release of the e-fit just based on this technical issue.

Apparently, the computer system used to create the e-fit images is awaiting an upgrade.

Police added that they would like to hear from anyone who may recognise the man in the image.

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