EXAMS ARE STARTING in colleges over the next couple of weeks, so that means everyone has the heads down revising hard for the big academic hurdles coming up.
Or not.
The UL Students Union recognise that the study week before exams is when procrastination hits an annual peak – so every year they are there for their students with ‘Procrastisnaps’.
Whereby everyone sends in the most ridiculous way they find themselves procrastinating
Out of the blue, they find themselves doing things they wouldn’t be arsed doing any other time of the year. Only study week gives you such motivation
Fine Limerick pancakes right there.
Literally anything is better than a dose of the books
Even those who get a coveted seat in the library can join in
The SU put a call out over Facebook at this time of year and document the best Procrastisnaps that then get sent in.
The things you end up watching instead of studying
And those craft ideas that pop up around the gaff
Every year, Procrastisnaps brings so much entertainment to the SU Facebook page
A tradition that should go on forever because as long as there are exams, there will be procrastination
A second hand viewing of Irish dancing? Lovely.