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Um, really? ECB makes video celebrating 10 glorious years of the euro

They may have missed that whole eurozone crisis thing.

Image: ECBeuro via YouTube

SOMEONE AT THE European Central Bank is either an unflinching optimist or else they haven’t been paying attention to the whole euro crisis thing.

The ECB has released this unparodyable video to celebrate the first – possibly the only – ten years of the euro.

In the YouTube video, a young woman walks over a bridge to celebrate the fact that Europe helps to er, build bridges, before buying some bread with a five euro note.

The video then cuts to Mario Draghi, the head of the ECB, who reads listlessly from an autocue about how fantastic the euro is.

Next, the dead-voiced voiceover woman  looks back wistfully at the launch of the common currency with clips of the celebrations which accompanied its launch on 1 January 2002.

The video ends looking at all the useful features on euro banknotes which stop it from being forged.

The video also includes shots of euros being printed, in a clear attempt to taunt Europeans about the current lack of any kind of quantitative easing plan.

The video was posted to YouTube on Wednesday – just before Nicolas Sarkozy’s dramatic speech last night about how Europe needs to rethink the EU or the euro is toast.

But don’t take our word for how great/terrible the video is. Check it out here:

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