AFTER YEARS OF friendship and working together, Uma Thurman and Quentin Tarantino have reportedly finally got it together.
This has set our12 hopeless romantic hearts soaring.
According to Us Weekly the pair have “taken their relationship to the next level” after Thurman’s split from her fiancé Arpad Busson.
Photos of Tarantino and his Kill Bill/Pulp Fiction muse in Cannes this month have provided all the fodder we need to ship this relationship to the ends of the earth…
“Uma darling, I’ve cleaned out a drawer in my room for your smalls and your hairdryer”
“Back away sonny, I saw her first”
“I love him, despite the constant peace signs”
Dance like nobody’s watching
DYING to get home and finish their West Wing box set
Beauty and the Baysht
Out with the lads
“Pull my finger”
Definitely laughing at John Travolta’s chin beard
Us versus the world