AS THE WORLD changes so too does people’s behaviour.
We adapt, and certain pieces of ettiquette are no longer relevant and new rules apply.
Here are ten modern behaviours which are simply unforgivable.
Not picking up your dog’s dirt
There’s no excuse for this, and yet research out today indicates that two in five Dubliners don’t bother.
On what planet can people think it’s acceptable to leave their dog’s faeces out for others to walk on? We’ve all experienced that pain at one time or another, and no one should inflict it on anyone else.
Playing your music out loud on public transport
Absolutely unforgivable, and yet there are still those who insist on it. We need to weed them out, weed them out and teach them a lesson.
Leaving someone a really long voicemail
Some would argue that leaving a voice message of any kind is a bad move these days, but a brief one can be useful.
However, should you need to relay a lot of information, e-mail or text is your man. That way the recipient can read it over as many times as they want at a time that is convenient for them, rather than hanging on the end of a phone attempting to decipher what’s being said while searching for a pen with which to make scribbly notes.
Failing to contact someone on their birthday
There are so many modes of communication and so many reminders these days… there’s just no excuse.
Failing to return a borrowed DVD box set
Box sets cost a pretty penny and for many are prized possessions. If someone trusts you with their prized possession, then be sound and return it.
Don’t make them come after you.
Given that we’re all watching TV on our own schedules these days, the potential for spoilers is rife.
Be sensitive to other people’s needs, because ruining the end of a series for a friend? Unforgivable.
Not RSVPing to a close friend’s party on Facebook
It’s easy to lump all facebook invitations into one category, but there is clearly a difference between an invitation to an event that 600 invitees and an invitation from a good friend where only 20-30 people are invited.
Don’t make your friend fret over their unpopularity! Tell them what the story is!
Endless text exchanges in the place of a brief and efficient phone call
Sometimes you can quickly and easily make arrangements via text. Other times, there are so many details that need to be decided upon that a brief phone call would be a much more efficient use of time.
Get to know the difference.
Bailing on your mates
We all know them, the bailers. They’re the people you know even as you make plans with them that the plans will never come to fruition.
They’ll always have an excuse, frequently at exactly the point at which it is too late to make other plans.
Consistent bailing is disgusting, unforgivable behaviour.
Failing to turn off message tones when in a public place and receiving lots of messages
Obviously there’s nothing wrong with having your tones on in a public place and receiving the odd text message, but once you get into an intense back and forth, turn your tones off.
Anyone who has every shared an enclosed space with someone receiving a lot of loudly announced text messages will vouch for the fact that this behaviour is unforgivable.
What have we missed? What other modern behaviours do you think are unforgivable?