Dublin: 6 °C Friday 28 March, 2025

19 urgent and horrifying stories from local newspapers

All of you, stop what you’re doing and read.

1. This wild animal on the loose

Source: @paulelkington

2. This monster

Source: @ChloeHubbard

3. This giant, castle-assaulting pigeon

Source: Imgur

4. This possible inferno

Source: @guy_herbert

5. This urgent weather update

Source: @cmwiseman

6. This game changer

Source: @panchoballard

7. These yobs

Source: @RJPradio

8. This poor guy

Source: @theJeremyVine

9. This large avian

Source: @alunireland

10. This delicious theft

Source: @dilwynRY

11. This tragic and pointless waste

Source: @danlovejoyjr

12. This unstoppable surge

Source: @TheAshes1011

13. This blood feud

Source: @AlfistiGT

14. This chilling attack

Source: @DavidJEWood

15. This sausagemeat-related crime

Source: thisisthewestcountry.co.uk

16. This town centre cow drama

Source: @wibbs09

17. This achievement

Source: @SlowSlownews

18. This interesting blob

Source: @zingman

19. And this.

Source: @1steviekilner

More: Have you seen the mystery object in the river?>

More: Watch local news reporter pass out then amazingly continue her segment>

About the author:

Michael Freeman

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