THE PARTNERS THAT train together, stay together.
This little police dog couldn’t resist the opportunity to join his Vancouver Police Department partner in a bit of rappelling. He looks like he immediately regretted it, though.
The department’s photo has went viral on Facebook since they posted it last week with the caption:
Hey dad… This rappelling? Yuh, I’m not a fan.
The police explained that their canine officers are well trained and selected, and rappelling is a “vital skill for tactical teams to have, and it tests both handler and dog”.
They said:
In the training scenario in the photo, PSD Niko was introduced slowly to the task, and his handler rewarded him with praise and a game of tug-o-war afterwards (you can see the toy sticking out of the officer’s back pocket).
And don’t worry about Niko’s safety, he’s wearing a full body harness.