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12 daily struggles only a vegan will understand

No, I really can’t eat cheese. Really.

THERE ARE SOME life struggles that only come knocking at your door if you abstain from all animal products.

We’re talking no meat, no dairy, no eggs – yep, this is hardcore. Of course, you’re in a lucky position in that you get to choose what you eat, but that said, there are definitely some niggles that come along with a restricted diet…

1. People assuming you always want to talk about your diet

Sometimes you just really, really don’t. You just want to eat a meal in peace, OK?

2. Literally not being able to eat anything in a restaurant

See also: charging you €16 for a few aul lettuce leaves and a cherry tomato.

Source: lrichgem2/YouTube

3. Ending up comforting people because you can’t eat chocolate

When people find out you can’t eat chocolate, or ice cream, or cheese, or certain types of crisps, they react as though they themselves were being told they had to abstain.

Source: vulgar vegan

4. Wedding food, conference food…

You know in advance to bring snacks and to eat beforehand, as set menus are rarely a friend of the vegan.

5. All the tiny things you never realised contained animal by-products

Marshmallows? Et tu, brute?

Apparently bottled water has to be specified whether it is in fact vegan or vegetarian - Imgur Thank God this bottled water is vegan, though, eh? Source: Imgur

6. Always having to bring your own food to BBQs

But also secretly worrying that it’s kind of rude to do it. Sigh. Head-wrecking.

Source: Imgur

7. Absolutely baffling your extended family

Christmas can be, eh, a bit of an adjustment, let’s say. A pre-made nut loaf is the balm to a lot of vegan-related friction.

Source: Imgur

8. People asking if you’d eat your pet if you got stranded on a desert island

Er, no. Would you?!

Source: Teckler

9. Restaurants not even knowing what’s in their food

No, vegan doesn’t mean gluten-free, and nope, can’t have the fish either.

10. Knowing that, on paper, you’re a nightmare dinner party guest

But you’re lovely. Honestly.

Source: Tumblr

11. People asking you about protein

Plants have protein! For the last time!

Source: Imgur

12. Realising you might actually be becoming a stereotype

You’ve come to really enjoy making chia seed puddings and making your own almond milk. What’s next? Clothes out of hemp? Hmm, actually that doesn’t sound like an altogether terrible idea…

Source: Favim

Read: The 14 most annoying things about being a vegetarian>

Read: 13 unexpected advantages to being a vegetarian>

About the author:

Fiona Hyde

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