IT’S THE BANE of many a young life – those tiresome, nagging requests from parents to Make Your Bed.
But thousands of children need no longer suffer in sulkiness. A Spanish furniture firm has answered the prayers of kids everywhere by designing the self-making bed.
With the new OHEA smartbed, little flaps fold out around the edges of the mattress to reveal automatic arms which smooth the duvet perfectly back into place. Meanwhile a separate mechanism lifts the pillows, before depositing them gently down on top of the unrumpled cover.
OHEA is obviously conscious of the gravity of its new invention. The company says on its website:
Many people are simply unable to leave the home without having made their bed and this often gives rise to conflicts and arguments between parents and children. It’s a proven fact that for many people making their bed after getting up can be a tiresome, even painful task.
Here’s the wonderbed in action: