NOT CONTENT WITH having more hits than is humanly possible, taking a pile of journalists on a plane for seven days, releasing a perfume and indulging in highly questionable Instagram behaviour, Rihanna is adding a new role to her CV.
Her fashion line with UK high-street giant River Island has been talked about for months and arrives on March 5. Details on the collection have been scant so far but a newly released promo video offers some hints.
In case you were in any doubt of Rihanna’s prowess as a designing powerhouse, she attempts to explain herself throughout. Her clothing line is for “young sassy personalities” (so your Gran can’t wear it. Sorry) and “its casual, its chic, its flirty”.
The clincher is when Rihanna explains her decision to work with an established UK brand.
“British high street has the most fashionable kids and people I think, in the UK. They just have so much… fashion.”
Well, whether Rihanna herself has so much… fashion remains to be seen but you can watch her try to explain her designer dreams below: