IN THE FUTURE we could travel around the world in just 6 hours – at least, according to engineers working on a plan to bring space-style travel to Earth.
Engineers at a company called ET3 think the world needs a new form of transportation and they have the answer: the snappily-titled Evacuated Tube Transport (ETT).
This new mode of travel could whisk passengers from New York to LA in just 45 minutes — or even Washington DC to Beijing in two hours. ET3 state that it is “clean, green, fast, comfortable and affordable for all.
The Discovery Channel state that the system is similar to the old-fashioned tube system that is used to transport mail and money in office buildings — but ETT will be transporting people at super high speeds reaching up to 370 mph for domestic travel and 4,000 mph for international.
So arguably gone would be the days of the long commute as you could work in London, hop on the Evacuated Tube Transport system, and be in New York in no time at all. Or if you wanted some real authentic Chinese food, why not just take the super fast tube for a bite to eat.
The engineers state that traveling at high speeds will not have a negative effect on humans arguing that astronauts in orbit travel faster than 20,000 mph.
“The human body can tolerate 8g of acceleration or more for short periods of time… the time to travel estimates assume a maximum of 1g of force, and a top speed of 4,000 mph,” said ET3. Hmmm. We’ll take your word for it.
Daryl Oster conceived of the basic ideas of ETT in the mid 1980s and received the first patent in 1999.
(Via YouTube/NMANewsDirect)